Te Henga Training Run 2018

Te Henga Training Run 2018
29th September 2018

YeeHa! A run in the Waitakeres!
Nearly the only place available to run currently is the Te Henga trail, so Will picked me, Barnaby and Neville up early (6:00am!), and we zoomed out to the Muriwai end (Constable Road).
The boys...

It was a lovely day :)

We started down the big set of stairs, and around the coast.
Barnaby suffered a leg/hammy problem, but soldiered on. (thanks for running at my pace today!!!)

We passed a few other runners, and various walkers. The track is beautiful, and nearly completely runnable. (I was watching my footing as carefully as I could, to avoid a sprain.)

The return trip back to Constable road was a bit more uphill. Some people ran up the steps at the end. Some people had squiggly soft leg muscles. Just saying, you know?

Back home just after 11am!
